Ended up at the zoo with the kids and did this little sketch on a little 4 by 6 inch scrap of paper. Now i'm thinking about going to the zoo all on my own and do some more. 1st i'll need to find that 25th hour in my day. Hope you all had a great weekend, g
Just a quick sketch from coffee this morning. i figured i would end up with a log or something for the Illustration Friday word this week but i got yet another pre-recorded political phone call reminding me why i should vote for so-n-so...so this Hollow Promise sketch came about. Hope you enjoy this and the rest of your weekend. g
i've been trying to get rid of pencils part of the time and just work with pens for my late night quick sketches. Most of what i've done is crap but i'm like'n this Frankenstein. As you can see im a man of simple tastes.