Monday, October 27, 2008

Repair: IF

This weeks word for Illustration Friday is Repair. The 1st drawing i did at coffee Friday afternoon. Just my first reaction. The 2nd sketch was done last night, my daughter was sick so i couldn't sleep. If your bored check out my post just before this one and let me know how you like my zombie. enjoy the day, g


Heather T. said...

*giggles* That second one is hilarious. =)

Rui Sousa said...

pour one! very funny work!
Congratulations and regards!
Rui Sousa (O temporário)

Duques said...

I like the 2nd one: who's inside the bandages?

gJM said...

Thanks for the comments, one and all. Duques the bandaged one is Humpty Dumpty. But as we know the bandages didn't work so well. Thanks again for the comments. g

lil kim said...

i like the stark heart, and poor HD, doomed to be a mummy for the rest of his days!

Connie said...

I love your drawing style; nice lines, great depth. Want to see more. So, where's "Chicago-ish". I lived in Palos Park (a rather long time ago); Southwest suburban we were called.

Emily said...

so Humpty Dumpty got his act together at last! hihi...